Duplicate Board

A Duplicate board is a board created with similar properties with the parent board. This properties may come in form of bots, forms, fields and even users added to the board.

Create a Duplicate Board

To create a duplicate board you need to pass parentBoard, createBoardDto and duplicateInfo as arguments in the query body. It requires a mutation operator that takes board as operation name. In general the query is synonymous to query for creating a board.

Here, it's a necessity to pass parentBoard and duplicateInfo as parameters in createBoardDTO when duplicating a board. Where parentBoard is one from which the newly duplicated board inherits its properties and duplicateInfo helps specify the board property to be duplicated.



Refer to Boards section for a comprehensive list of arguments and fields to add to your GraphQl request.

    board (createBoardDTO:{
    name: "Deal Flow copy"
    description: "This a Venture Deal flow board"
    size: SMALL
    parentBoard: "6170c776354d40000159c957",
    duplicateInfo: {
    duplicateFields: true
    duplicateBots: true
    duplicateUsers: true
    duplicateForms: true
    }}) {
        boardSecret {
    "data": {
        "board": {
            "id": "6170d13540dc970001b8edd5",
            "boardSecret": {
                "name": "Deal Flow copy",
                "description": "This a Venture Deal flow board",
                "boardSize": "SMALL"
            "createdBy": "Praise Adediji",
            "createdTime": "Thu Oct 21 02:32:21 GMT 2021",
            "lastUpdatedTime": null