Field Types
Quabbly offers a variety of field types for you to customize your board as needed. On a Quabbly board, they are shown in a column format. They include types with different functionalities like:
- Short Text: This field types text inputs all in a single line
- Long Text: Also known as WYSIWYG and it accepts text inputs in paragraphs (more than one line).
- Email: This field accepts email inputs
- Phone: Field that accept phone number records as it inputs.
If you need more information about the different field types on Quabbly core, you can check the field documentation here.
Quabbly GraphQL API allows you to create different field types, update a field type, Fetch fields in a board and also to delete fields in a specific board.
This operations are based on the two operators known as Query and mutation.
Query Operator on fields allows you to:
- Fetch an array of fields that exist in a board
- Fetch the number of fields that exist in a board
- Fetch an existing field type from the board by perculiar Id.
While Mutation operator allows you to:
- Create a new Field type in a board.
- Update a specific field type in a specific board
- Delete a specific Field type in a specific board.
You can't update a field by it's field type, just details peculiar to name, description and other properties.
Updated almost 3 years ago